Why is the accessibility of codeine 300MG changing in Australia?
Many Australians may not fully understand the potential harm associated with codeine. It is important to note that over-the-counter medications containing codeine 300mg in Australia for pain management offer minimal additional benefits. Compared to medicines without codeine while posing significant health risks, such as the development of tolerance or physical dependence on codeine. It’s crucial to recognize that codeine, an opioid drug derived from opium poppies and closely related to morphine, can lead to opioid tolerance, dependence, addiction, poisoning, and, in high doses, even death.
Codeine 300MG use can be harmful
The use of codeine can be harmful, as tolerance can develop over time, causing the body to require increasingly higher doses for the same level of relief from symptoms. When the medicine is stopped, severe withdrawal symptoms may occur, including headaches, muscle aches, mood swings, insomnia, nausea, and diarrhea. Some of these withdrawal symptoms mimic the symptoms that low-dose codeine products are meant to treat, potentially leading individuals to incorrectly continue taking the medicine for longer periods or in higher doses. Codeine poisoning contributes to both accidental and intentional deaths in Australia.
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